Thursday 27 October 2011

i hate wordpress

I hate wordpress
it's stupid
keeps on taking me from one page to another
i hate how it's so not clear to the visual
and that stupid website registered my name with the way it want it to be

i hate wordpress

do i need to say more ??!!

Saturday 17 September 2011

todays journey

it's saturday !!
we were bored and we didn't have anything to do

"and since sha6 is busy as usual :P " me and fajer decided to go out

our plan was to go to NESTLE toll house after reading about it at 7ajidude

elmohim we decided to meet at avenues first cause we were starving and since sha6 wasn't joining us our choice was P.F.chang's "sha6 hates the food and i never got to try it "

so this was my first time

we order
-dynamite shrimps
-kung pau chicken "i hope i spelled it write"
-lo mein chicken noodlez
-and black cherry soda

the waitress came with this

and said something about it which unfortunately wasn't clear it felt as if she was speaking another language , so we didn't try it ;p

then came the black cherry soda 

i tasted really good am so going to order it again

and then came the food 

the kung pau chicken

the dynamite shrimps "3ajeeeeb" i ate it all , i even tried mixing it with the "white rice" oo it was yummy

the "LO mien" i remember that i ordered chicken but it came with veggies & i was soooooo HUNGRY and couldn't wait for them to go and come and of course there were those amazing broccoli pieces that i couldn't resist so i ate it :P
oo it worth it 
the mushroom even though it was hard to eat it with the fork bs el taste kaan wow 
a mix of umm "i think soya sauce" and i don't know something amazing
the broccoli "ma kan wayd yabs wla layn" just the way i love it 
and the noodles it self "she said it's made of egg" were so "i want more

what i loved about this restaurant is that even though i ate soo much but the food didn't hurt my stomach , as if i ate a diet food 
"y3ne 5afeef mo dasim wla thgeel 3alm3da
the shrimps "i could really die for that 


fajoor we are so going again :P


then as planned we headed to NESTLE toll house "abou al-hasanyah"
it was our first time there
the place is not that far "oo ma y'6ay3 sahil 6rejah"

i don't have so much pics for that cause i was so busy eating in a "stupid way"

a7la shy kan el cookies wil filling inside it "atwa8a3 it was melted marshmallow aw creme" madre elmohim latheeth

the marshmallow stick was good but please remind me next time to order it bdon el m&m's or these tiny sweets , i really made a mess there
the brownies are good but they were so cold and i prefer the brownies to be worm
it's yummy
it's good
go for the cookies

and thanx 7ajidude "specially dudette" coz bdonch makna ra7 ndre 3anah ;p

Wednesday 14 September 2011

مش رايء

المزاج نهائيا اليوم مش رايء - فيني شي ومتضايق لووول

am sorry am ganna be serious ok
so today is kind of "NOT MY DAY"
it all started when i woke up and feeling "am so ganna be sensitive today" so anyone saying anything , even the tiny little silly things are making me cry
or maybe peeps are just so harsh on me today 

first thing : i had my best buddy telling me "tara enty ne'6amich wayd jelous oo i can't handle that seriously etha btmeen chthy am ganna stop being anything to you anymore " !!
wow wasn't that rude or what??
i mean how can you tell someone who is suppose to mean something to you those words , a9lan how can you hurt them feelings and litterally screw up the rest of them day

after that one of my beloved FUNners announced that she'll be leaving work for good , cause she got a full time job
i know it's the same place but come on not you too!!!

at first fa6oom left cause of being employed and of our good times ended 
-no more going to fil-filah "abe flafil oo sha6ah ya jima3ah"
-no more staying at work late ordering food and acting all goofy when no one but us in the office
-no more doing interviews together and torturing the applicants :(

wb3dain last week my beloved fajer kmlt-ha by doing her termination
after these gurls wallah i don't know how can i do any of my tasks anymore :(
i can't imagine expos at 360 and mshrf without her
not even the vending machine is ganna be the same without fajoor :(
-no one will do outbound with me 
no one will order dominoz bil outbound oo ybarbis wyaay

and that's where i cracked and had to cry

i feel like my world is falling a part "mo 9ij , am just being a drama queen shwya " :P

i know we still ganna see each other and talk everyday but work isn't work without fa6oom and fajoor :(

i just had to spell it out .... bye bye my idiotic friends , ganna miss fahawtch oo el tatnee7 

Sunday 11 September 2011

بخيت و بخيته

since am a big fan of Tariq Al-Ali "some of you may not agree" elmohim i decided yesterday to finally watch "b5eat and b5eta"
after all the things i've heard about it "honestly " tewa8a3t ena ra7 amoot mn el'6i7ik bs unfortunately i was shocked by the amount of "porn" in it

at first i thought it's just me over reacting and i can't deny the fact that i laughed at some point but since this "msr7ya" is not rated for certain ages i felt like i really
really need to speak about it 

why did i say porn ???

for example 

الممثله : اخلي فضيحتك بجلاجل 
بخيت: جلاجل هاا !!!

wow a 14 year old kid can understand this

بخيت: امسك دشداشتي من هني "مادري جذي" المهم يقوم فرحان يمسكها يرد عليه بخيت :خو انت مستانس عالمسكه

امبيه والله قعد اشوفها بروحي وانقص ويهي وانا اشوفها

غير سالفه الموز وانت شكلك تحب الموز

حتى اكثر قطه تضحك بالمسرحيه 
"تعرف عايض؟" كان عايض فيها يمثل دور الشباب اللي يدورون فطافيط وتبي اوريك ارنب يعزف بيانو وحمامه تدق عود

am sorry but for me you way crossed the line

am not a hater bil3aks am a big fan walah bs i couldn't stand all the things listed above

beside i wished if there was something new , a little different creation anything new other than twisting words , and laughing about sh-hab 7ajyah and his jam3ya add

oo 3n el7laal wl-7ram i loved the idea of b5eat's character 
the long hair the dirty dishdasha 
aljm3ya el6wela
kakaw bo 3aish and 3a9eer bo tlaween 
cause they remind me of my childhood 

bs walah enough with elrokbah elchal7a
dshadesh mlwnaah oo 3gaal a7mr and dlaa'3 klsh malah 3la8ah bil salfah 

the last thing that i still don't understand

وبقوله بالعربي احسن
فكره المسرحيه او قصتها عن عايله غنيه وابو عنده نشاطات مو شرعيه وقصه الورث <<<الخ
فجه باخر عشر دقايق من المسرحيه انقلبت القصه وصارت احنا وطنيين ولا للطاىفيه وكلنا اهل

والختام العموم رفع علم الكويت وقاموا يلوحون

اوكي شي حلو والله وكلامكم كله صح 
بس نهاىيا ماله علاقه بالمسرحيه وكان داش عرض


Monday 5 September 2011

Tora Bora

تورا بورا: فلم كويتي
احداث الفلم بشكل عام عن عايله كويتيه فيالبدايه الام والابو يشدون الرحال لافغانستان عشان يدورون على ولدهم احمد اللي راح لافغانستان يجاهد مع طالبان بعد ما اغسلوا مخه وبعد فتره ينضم لهم ولدهم طارق برحله البحث

الفلم حلو <<<عجبني وايد
الاحداث التصوير اللغه ضابطينها الممثلين القصه نفسها مؤثره خصوصا لمن ماتت الام ويد عورت قلبي
الابو اللي تم يدور على ولده لاخر لحظه مع انه يت فتره وتعب وكان ناوي يوقف ويرد الكويت

خالد الامين كالعاده لازم يقتلني بتمثيله ... وايد تعجبني طريقه كلامه وتعابير ويهه

اكثر المشاهد اللي اثرت فيني
- لمن طارق شاف طالبان يذبحون ريال ومره وركضته عليهم لانه عباله اهله
- المشهد اللي ينصاب فيه طارق بعد ما يلقى امه وابوه حقيقه قلبي وقف عبالي مات
-لمن ماتت الام وشلون طاحت عالارض صوت الهبده طالع من قلب
- لمن طالبان اذبحوا الحريم واليهال خصوصا لمن الطلقه يت براس الياهل اللي يركز يشوف الدم شلون يطشر من المخ اول ما صابته الرصاصه صج كان منظر يعور القلب يمكن تميت ٣ ساعات معلق بمخي ومخترعه
- اخر شي لمن الابو وطارق يلقون احمد ويموت المصور الفلسطيني اللي كان يساعدهم <<اهني بس طقيتها بجوه فجاه تذكرت كل شي مو حلو وقعدت ابجي

حقيقه فلم ممتع وخفيف ماكان طويل وايد وتميت مندمجه من بدايه الفلم الى نهايته

- الاشياء اللي ما اعجبتني بالفلم
١- الاضاءه مالت التصوير وااااااااايد خافته كانت تنرفز وعيني قامت تعورني
٢- المشاهد اللي يرطنون فيها بالافغاني ما كانت مترجمه ولو ما اعرف ايراني جن مالقطت لي كلمه كلمتين لانه اللغه شوي مختلفه وفهمت والا اللي يمي ضايعين بالطوشه
٣- الاخوان اللي يايين حاضرين الفلم كل شوي يقعدون يضحكون ليش الفلم الكويتي مع انه ماكو شي يضحك بالعكس يعور القلب ويبجي حقيقه نرفزوني

واكثر شي حبيته لمن الام والابو كانوا يوجهون رساله للعالم انه مو غلطه طالبان ولا الارهابيين انه عيالهم انغسلت مخوخهم وخذوهم للجهاد وانها غلطه الاهل اللي ما راقبوا عيالهم عدل وعرفوا يوجهونهم للطيج الصح

وشكرا .........

زين الى عالم جميل

hello there
i've been invited to shjoons play ZAIN ela 3alam jamail

and here is my review about it :

my overall all opinion is that i loved the play
the fact that it was musical , the actors and actress and the clever way of them adding ZAIN's adds in between the scenes 
the way those people acted was so professional and i loved them dresses honestly i was amazed by some people whom i never liked and they turned to be funny

am sure that the kids will really enjoy it 

- what i hated about it :
1- the chairs were so not comfy
2- the play was so short it took only 1 hour "including the break"
3- they could have added some lines in between the musical part which took place all over the play , i believe that kids would have learned more from that

other than this i have nothing on it
i really enjoyed it and felt like a kid again specially the part where i was so into the play clapping my hands and yelling , and of course singing each and every single song

loved the play
the actores and actress
the performance

thank you ZAIN 

Sunday 4 September 2011

And it's my birthday

i don't believe i can ever pay back people who participated in my birthday today

everything started at 12:00 am exactly when my phone , BBM and what's app didn't stop ringing , everyone was wishing me a happy birthday and all of a sudden all my contacts changed there dp into my pics with a big HBD fatom on it i honestly felt extremely happy and then i got a call from fa6oom sha6 which really made me cry

wait let's get back a little 2 days ago while at work my cousin called me and insisted on me getting home early which was so weird any who when i reached home and even though my mom kind of blew the surprise :P
they planned a surprise birthday party which was so cool


ok let's go back for today "sorry peeps am still surprised "

anyways when i went to work today it was just a normal day with everyone saying happy birthday to me and i headed straight to work

after that and out of no where i heared that we have a meeting and i was like
"ooh god no not on my birthday " and acted all creepy all the way to duwaniyah
and there was the surprise all my friends with two birthday cakes singning happy birthday today
and i got the sweetest HUG from my boss Haya "thank you darling '

the cake on the left from sawsan : thank u soso :**

and the one on the right from 7anon, dalool and huda 
by the way guys walah walah u made me happy specially that the cake was made of ice cream and chocolate my favourate food on earth :***

even though i look ugly but it's a most for me to take a pic with the cakes

and me acting like cinderella 

there is still more
then i headed to 360 with sha6 and mu6 to have a friends day out as usual 
we choose OFK to eat and as soon as we enterd the gurls left me all alone pretending to go to the WC 

they really took a long time while i was waiting and some how sensing something is going on

when they came back everything was so normal 
food drinks 
us chatting 
and then the check that took too long too and then out of no where i hear someone yelling happy birthday fatimaaaa

and it was the 3rd surprise birthday party from sha6 and mu6 

'luv u gurlz:**'

the funny thing is that fajoor forgot that they told the resturant about my birthday and really got scared when the man started the HBD song :P

after that

i got two surprising gifts from sha6 and mu6

the first was a lovely box of macaroons from LADUREE and the second was my favorite thingy
a charm bracelet from juicy

and at last we decided to spend the rest of the day at fa6oom's place where fa6oom fajoor and meme singed me again :D

thanks alot guys for today it was amazing
ever since i was a kid i had this funny believing of me being a princess
and you guys surely made me feel like one today

love you all the way to paris :****

Monday 22 August 2011

i Have The Best friends EVER

- for being the only peeps who understand "how much i love food"

- for giving me the chance to talk over and over again about silly things 
- for having the best times ever when at work
- for taking me to 9alat eljyam today "it really felt good"
- for not hesitating to pull my clothes or even hit me in the head when i say or do something wrong
- for being the best "fene 7asha" buddy when am desperately in need for one
-for helping me when am into too much pressure and i still have lots of unfinished task
-for being there when i feel like gaging and nagging
- for making me feel that "i really grew up" even though "F.alsha6i don't believe so" :P

luv u friendaty el3azezat

ps: this post is just for F.alsha6i and F.mu6 

Saturday 13 August 2011

I Am my worst enemy

i admit that i mistreat myself  ..

how ?

by forgiving people while i shouldn't and for giving them chances even without them asking

of course am not an angel and i don't act like that with everyone one but here comes the problem:
it's those people whom i choose to make special and definitely don't deserve being so

i know i need to fix thing in my life and change the way i think and bla bla blaa but whom am i trying to lie to .... it doesn't work

the other thing that made me realize how bad am i to myself is :
gosh i hate to even believe it but , the way i think of my self .
for example i know that it's stupid to be like this but when something goes wrong i always blame me even if i did nothing wrong and then i make it even worst by punishing my self
running after things not because i want them but because i convinced me that i do after being rejected

funny thing but i do have the habit of pushing the people who want me and treat me right away and going after what's dark, mysterious and scary " anything that runs away is an attraction to me"

so am i being stupid or am i a big FAT drama queen

WTF with me :s ??

Friday 12 August 2011


wow am amazingly stupid

i have this habit of forgetting my blog "as in literally" forgetting the web site

and then i spend days and weeks  googling  to finally get all the silly results , and non of them include my blog

eventually i realize that i could simply just enter the original website and sign in from there


Tuesday 21 June 2011


اختياري لك يتجاز حدود الرغبه ...يلغي اراداتي الحره ...

يتعنت باشتهاءاته  فتكون انت لكل تفسير معنى

فبينهم وبينك
انت قاموسي الذي استقي منه مفرداتي
وانت مرآتي التي ارى فيها انعكاساتي
ومن بينهم جميعا انت ذلك الطيف الذي يطوقني..ويحوم حولي ليعزلني عنهم
ليبقيني له وحده... فيرسمني انعزالا عنهم
وانفصالا عن الواقع
ويتركني صوره طبق الاصل مما يريد


لا يهم... ان ضعت بينهم 
لا يهم

ولا يهم ..ان نسيتهم 
لا يهم

ولن يهم ان حاوطتني بجدران..فما دمت بقربي

لن يهم 

Monday 6 June 2011


قبلت بك...قلبا وروحا وجسدا... اجل قبلت بك
قبلت ولم اعلم ان كل تلك الاقاصيص التي حاوطتني بها.. لم تكن سوى حيطان خرافيه شيدتها لتأسرني.

.لتقيدني بحدودك وعالمك 

لتبقيني بقربك كظلك الذي لا يفارقك ..
وان كل ما القيته على مسامعي يوما لم يكن حقيقه..
لم يكن سوى وهم رقص يوما على مشاعري فاستباحها ..
جئتني يوما بكل وعودك ..قاطعا اشواطا من الخيال ..قدمت لي رجلا وزوجا وابا على عتبات قلبي
علقتني بما ليس لي ... اغدقتني بمشاعر لم ولن تمتلكها ابدا حتى حضيت بي فاسدلت الستاره

وبقيت انا اندب حبا ادركني مسبقا فقادني لرثاء العمر
واندب حظا ادركك رفيقا وخلا ما صان يوما عهوده

ولم تكتفي ظلما فلا انت راحل فتعتقني..ولست بباق فترحمني

انت فقط في المنتصف..تمتلكني ولست احظى بك
تامرني..تاسرني وحتى هذه الساعه تقيدني... بلا شيء

لا امل
لا حب
ولا رفقه

لا شيء سوى كلمات اشحذها تباعا ... وقصر مهدوم بجانب مخدتي .. اغفو على بقايا حطامه
ورائحه تبغك تداخلت في انسجتي

ومازلت انتظرك....

Friday 3 June 2011

sharing is caring !!

who am i : no one or maybe just another princess in life

why should you be here : no reason , unless you are interested in knowing nothing and realizing nothing

belovilola : signed by me ;*